I keep saying they're corrupt mental midgets and you won't believe me. Maybe you'll believe me when you're living in a yurt ... no, wait, they use wood too...Is Rain Water An Industrial Pollutant? | Power Line: "The new administrative burdens the 9th Circuit decision puts on landowners and federal and state government is staggering. The U.S. Forest Service reports there are about 378,000 road miles in our national forests and that it will need about 400,000 permits. By the most conservative estimate, adding in state and private forests nearly doubles that number. Other estimates place the total well into the millions. Simply obtaining the Forest Service’s permits will take 10 years.The economic consequences of devastating the logging industry, and other industries that depend on wood products, are incalculable. We are living in an extraordinary time, in which the nation’s political class frequently makes war on our economy. No wonder economic recovery is so difficult! The Supreme Court can solve this particular problem if it grants the motion for certiorari tomorrow and reverses the 9th Circuit’s ruling, but more broadly, we need to drastically reform, and limit the powers of, our political class."
Climate Annoying? Open the Mind Instead
54 minutes ago