Friday, December 9, 2011

Explain To Me Again Why Nikki Haley Isn't Already Our President

Nikki Haley Intends to Govern | RedState: "It didn’t work out that way. Neither the Governor nor the agencies responsible for getting the good old boys’ their backs scratched actually did it. Georgia gets to dredge and South Carolina will get a port expansion in Charleston, but it will still take a while.

The good old boys decided then to haul all of Governor Haley’s top aides into the legislature for examination. They couldn’t find that anyone did any wrong doing. And now Governor Haley has responded. She means to keep changing South Carolina, keep moving the state forward, and keep making it place where business is free to do business without scratching backs or letting government pick winners or losers."
Oh. I forgot. Not enough backscratchin' goin' on. You go girl...