Instapundit » Blog Archive » PHOTO ESSAY: The People of OWS: like the people of Wal-Mart, only not as smart. Kinda mean, really…: "MORE: Did I bury the lede? A reader emails:The "Occupy Wall Street" moniker turns out to be particularly apt. Because all these drug-addled doofusses are wasting their lives learning useless liberal crap, they're not available to do productive occupations. We need illegal immigrants to do those. Du'O.I should prefer this not be attributed to me. However, in your recent post on OWS and the higher ed bubble, you touched what seems to me to be the core of the issue — in the last paragraph.
“UPDATE: Reader Jonathan Card emails: As a consultant travelling to Kentucky for a contract. I was watching the local news last night and a local machinist shop was being interviewed about not being able to find enough workers. The money quote, that I thought you'd be interested in, was ‘You can buy gas from a college graduate, but I can’t fill a $70,000/year machinist position.’”
First: This is also my experience as an employer. I have more college graduates wanting to work for me than I can employ — but good machinists, good mechanics, good technicians are hard to find."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
47 minutes ago