Instapundit » Blog Archive » ROGER KIMBALL: Obama’s Other Jobs Policy. “If Barack Obama has his way — that is, if the policie…: "ROGER KIMBALL: Obama’s Other Jobs Policy. “If Barack Obama has his way — that is, if the policies he has advocated actually become law — another Steve Jobs would be squashed in his garage by government busybodies or (should he miraculously survive) regulated and taxed to death by federal bureaucrats. Steve Jobs was a walking embodiment of the American spirit of innovation. Barack Obama’s entire administration is dedicated to stamping out that spirit. He wants to centralize innovation, punish success, and regulate ingenuity. Obama’s fundamental error is his belief that economic success lies in redistributing rather than in creating wealth. His so-called ‘Jobs Bill’ is in reality an anti-jobs bill. Despite his apparent personal fondness for Steve Jobs, the sad irony is that the bill is also at bottom an anti-Jobs bill.”The title's a bit brutal, but so are O Duce's SEIU thugs. Ask Kenneth Gladney...
Luckily, he can’t even get Congressional Democrats to support it.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 9:27 pm
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