That's right, Nazi stood for "National Socialist German Worker's Party". Interesting how the left spits in anyone's face who points it out to them. Getting a little to close to the truth are we?:
HITLER WAS A SOCIALIST: "Because this article contradicts what most people think they know about Hitler, it has necessarily been a long one. There have been many potential questions to answer. I would therefore like to close with a useful brief summary of what happened and why it is so little known. It is excerpted from a comment by Peter Hitchens on what is being taught in British schools and purveyed by the British media today:Any more questions about why O Duce gave Churchill's bust back to Britain? I thought not..."A schools video produced last year on the Forties barely gives a walk-on part to Winston Churchill, a man who is being steadily written out of modern history because he does not fit the fashionable myth that the Tories sympathised with the Nazis and the Left were the only people who opposed Hitler....It was the Left who were on Hitler's side, not the conservatives. And the Left were on his side because he was one of them. "
LABOUR'S role in the rise of Hitler was to consistently vote against the rearmament measures which narrowly saved this country from slavery in 1940. Stalin's insane orders to the German Communist Party, to refuse to co-operate with the Social Democrats, virtually ensured the Nazis would come to power in 1933.
This would be mirrored, six years later, in the joint victory parade staged by Nazi and Red Army troops in the then-Polish city of Brest, and the efficient supply of Soviet oil to Germany which fuelled the Nazi Blitzkrieg and the bombers which tore the heart out of London.
But millions of supposedly educated people know nothing of this, and are unaware that the one country which behaved with honour and courage when the fate of the world was being decided was Britain."
This is a long piece but if you've never read it you owe it to yourself to take a couple of days to savor it. You won't believe how thoroughly brainwashed you have been...