Instapundit » Blog Archive » PROF. JACOBSON: Wisconsin Unions Start Feeding On Themselves. If you want a good measure of how …: "If you want a good measure of how deeply the collective bargaining bill in Wisconsin has disrupted public sector unions, there is no better example than the Wisconsins Education Association Council (WEAC).
Last month WEAC announced that it was laying off 40% of its staff. With little over which to collectively bargain, and with dues no longer withheld from paychecks, the need for and sustainability of a union bureaucracy could not be justified.
Now WEAC is being boycotted by National Staff Organization (NSO), a union representing educational union employees.
Isn’t that great, education union employees have their own union? Is there a union for employees of education union employee unions?
And smaller fleas to bite ‘em.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 6:07 pm"
Idiots on parasites.