Page 2: Jacqueline Kennedy's Feelings on Martin Luther King Jr. Revealed in New Audio Tapes - ABC News: "Mrs. Kennedy's recollections of her husband's feelings toward King were far warmer. She said he went out of his way to emphasize he wouldn't "judge anyone" based on what he was told about the FBI surveillance.
"He said what an incredible speaker he was during that freedom march thing," she recalled.
King met with Kennedy at the White House when he was in Washington for the march, just months before the president's assassination. And his phone call to Coretta Scott King after her husband was sentenced to jail just weeks before the 1960 presidential election was an event some historians credited with boosting black turnout -- possibly handing Kennedy the presidency.
Mrs. Kennedy seemed to reference that call on the tapes, but she didn't finish her thought.
"He acknowledged that having made that call during the campaign got them -- Then he told me of a tape that the FBI had … ," she said."
Things they never told you...