Mark Steyn: Cowed by udderly insane regulations | regulatory, milk, sunstein - Opinion - The Orange County Register: "And, for every little victory, there are a zillion crankings of the government vise elsewhere. Plucked at random from the ObamaCare bill:If you've never read Mark Steyn before, stop absolutely everything and read this one. And the same advice if you have read him before...
'The Secretary shall develop oral healthcare components that shall include tooth-level surveillance.'
'Tooth-level surveillance'? Has that phrase ever been used before in the entirety of human history? Say what you like about George III but the redcoats never attempted surveillance of Gen. Washington's dentures. Why not just call it 'gum control'?
The hyper-regulatory state is unrepublican. It strikes at one of the most basic pillars of free society: equality before the law. When you replace 'law' with 'regulation,' equality before it is one of the first casualties. In such a world, there is no law, only a hierarchy of privilege more suited to a sultan's court than a self-governing republic. If you don't want to be subject to 'tooth-level surveillance,' you better know who to call in Washington. Teamsters Local 522 did, and the United Federation of Teachers, and the Chicago Plastering Institute. And as a result they've all been 'granted' ObamaCare 'waivers.' Rule, Obama! Obama, waive the rules! If only for his cronies."
California Tipping Point
1 hour ago