Faster, Please! » Cruising Through the Middle East: "So when I read of Obama yelling at the Israelis to come to terms with their neighbors, I just laugh. The Arab states have failed–one reason for the surge in radical Islam–and if there were any logic in the realm of Western diplomacy our leaders would note that it is the Arabs and Iranians who need to learn from the Israelis how to make a country work well.
But the deep thinkers are well and truly overwhelmed by their antipathy to Israel, and they cannot and will not take an honest look at the most elementary facts on the ground. Instead of lecturing Netanyahu about the importance of forty-year old borders, we should be lecturing what Obama calls “the Muslim world” about what a mess their world is, and pointing out that the Jews have it right.
And, as always, the big question–Iran–is finesssed. You can’t talk seriously about the Arab-Israeli thing until you’ve dealt with Iran, because the Iranian regime runs the terrorists’ networks. The Arabs couldn’t deliver peace to the Israelis even if they wanted to, because the Iranians hold all the trump cards."
California Tipping Point
1 hour ago