Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dead, Not Interrogated

Faster, Please! » What if the Killing of Bin Laden Is the Beginning of The Great American Retreat?: "ML:  “So maybe it’s a three-cushion shot?”

JJA:  “Maybe.  We agree to pull back, maybe even out.  Al-Qaeda — the anti-bin Laden part, anyway — makes the same deal (they relocate to Cairo or Luxor).  And all the Paks want is a guarantee from us concerning the operation.”

ML:  “Which is?”

JJA:  “Which is that Osama is NOT going to be interrogated.”

ML:  “Right, of course!  Because they don’t want him to tell us about…”

JJA:  “About THEM.  And also about others, by the way.  About Zawahiri, about the Saudi deals, about all the help AQ has gotten from Assad in Syria.  It’s quite a long list.  All of them want him dead.  None of them wants him interrogated, and least of all on a witness stand, be it military or civilian.”

ML:  “So that explains many things about the operation, doesn’t it?”"