Here's what I got in my work email just a bit ago from a fellow employee:
Welcome to North Korea at night. Trust me, it's not a good thing. And BTW, if there ever was a lab experiment that unequivocally proves the superiority of freedom and capitalism over tyranny ... well ... you're looking at the single picture summary.
Think I'm being overly concerned? Perhaps you missed this story? One of Gordon Brown's leading advisors says the U.K. population must fall to 30 million to be sustainable? Well, North Korean style death camps would be about the only imaginable way to get there. Or maybe he thinks he can click his heels and 50% of the British population will just teleport out?
And maybe you've not heard of VHEMT?
This is the kind of silly, uneducated impulsiveness that we're up against changing. Why am I so harsh on this? Because this is where it leads to:Hello,
Not sure how many people will check their e-mail today. But I just became aware of Earth hour tonight at 8:30 pm. Across the world people will turn off all non-essential lights in a symbolic gesture for reducing our ecological impact on the earth. (8:30 local time in each timezone.) I thought this was really cool.
Think I'm being overly concerned? Perhaps you missed this story? One of Gordon Brown's leading advisors says the U.K. population must fall to 30 million to be sustainable? Well, North Korean style death camps would be about the only imaginable way to get there. Or maybe he thinks he can click his heels and 50% of the British population will just teleport out?
And maybe you've not heard of VHEMT?
At 8:30pm last night, my house was lit up like a Christmas tree. Unfortuately, I wanted to burn some tires on my driveway, but forgot to go get some ;)