I am talking about the Federal Government. Once again our supposed leaders are talking about saving our country, our way of life, by spending an unimaginable amount of money. The amount of zeros behind the figures that the White House and Congress toss around so glibly are enough to make you think you are hearing how many miles there are between our solar systems. The “Hope and Change” that many voted for—not me—has turned out be nothing but hypocrisy and duplicity. Our representatives, Republican and Democrat, rant about saving our economy is simply empty promises and lies. Like Diogenes holding the lantern in darkness searching for the last honest man. It is a struggle each day to find an honest politician who says what he means and means what he says.
I am not an economist, an accountant or a constitutional scholar but simple logic tells me that things are going wildly out of control. Every day our government seems to find new ways to waste money and deprive us of our freedoms. Yet today we talk of spending another 2 trillion dollars. Where is the money coming from? Our government has no money, they need to print, borrow or tax in order to subsidize all these bailouts, budgets and entitlement programs. People in private business are losing their jobs and businesses large and small are closing their doors or moving overseas due to taxation or overregulation. But, Government— they are hiring and growing exponentially. We are being forced to support more and more government when it makes nothing and produces nothing except more of itself.
Capitalism is what made our nation great, how is that we have a country rich in farm land and bursting with unlimited natural resources yet we cannot use it? Our schools, once considered the laboratory of individualism and inventiveness now teach our children nothing of significance.
So I say that I am “Fed” up. What needs to happen is a rebirth of what our founding fathers brilliantly crafted. It was based on principles and values not empty promises, lies, hypocrisy and duplicity. We need to seek out leaders who tell the truth and are truly interested in returning our government to the people. We need to return government to protecting our borders and our liberties. We need to speak out against all who seek to tear down and defile all that has made this country the greatest on earth. The future of our children and our liberty is at stake—We Will Not Fall.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Are You "Fed" up Yet?
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