I found the message in this email that I received today (see below) particularly interesting. I am a member of the Revolutionary War Veterans Association. My wife and I will be attending an Appleseed rifle shoot in Douglas, WY in May. So I get these emails regularly. This one is for an online streaming radio show this week. Feel free to use the info below to join in.
But what I found particularly significant, is that we "rebels" - and yes, 9.12 Project members: By definition you are all rebels too - is that we, through our actions to call attention to what is going on around us, are carrying the load for a very significant part of society. Because WE are the ones who have the courage and are willing to do the work to stand up for our rights.
Fellow 9.12ers - I salute you all, because the message below is a testament to your own courage, and what all of you are doing to try to get our country back on track.
The Rifleman Radio Show
Please Join us for The Rifleman Radio Show, on Appleseed Radio Tuesday night at 7:00PM Central time.
You can listen in on your computer at,
You can also call in to listen at, Call-in Number: (347) 308-8790
Are You a Rebel???
Are you? Are you doing anything to protect your rights and freedoms? Because if you are, you are quite probably a Rebel. A Rebel is someone who goes against the norm, who does things that no one else would consider doing. 99.9999% of Americans today are doing NOTHING to protect their rights and freedoms and are oblivious to any threats to their rights or themselves. So, if you are doing something to protect and defend your rights, liberties and freedoms, then you are definitely going against the norm and you must be a Rebel. Congratulations, you are carrying the load for millions of your fellow Americans who are floating about lazily in their pools that are filled with apathy and laziness. If you are not a Rebel, what are you waiting for?
Rifleman Show Host
Monday, March 30, 2009
Are YOU a Rebel?
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