The Prescience of the Duranty Prize | Power Line: "How could these people be so dumb? PJ Media ridiculed Anna Wintour for falling for the murderous Assad dictatorship, but after all: Wintour may be a political figure by virtue of her massive fundraising for Democratic Party candidates, but she isn’t the Secretary of State. Or the President. What we see here is a characteristic failing of liberals. They are easily seduced by glamour, and–always in the background of glamour–money. Why else do they keep voting for Kennedys with IQs in the 80s? Or wear Che Guevara t-shirts, because they think he’s cute? These people are suckers.
So congratulations to PJ Media and the New Criterion. Their first-ever Duranty Award was prophetic. With hindsight, it honored not just mendacity in journalism, but stupidity in foreign policy."