Sense of Events: Is Obama setting up two-prong Constitutional crisis?: "A military officer's oath of commissioning says,RTWT. Obama gets a two-fer following this course. He gets to extra-terminally shred the Constitution and his brothers-in-arms Islamist's of all flavors get an excuse to shred Israel with their rocket arsenals even if Israel doesn't help Obama. Wow.
I ... do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; ...There is no oath of loyalty or even obedience to the president. I say that for a general officer, from the chairman of the joint chief of staff on down, to commit acts of war against another country that have been actually forbidden by Congress would be one of the grossest violations of Constitutional military duty that can be imagined. That's the second prong of a potential Constitutional crisis.
Because if Obama ignores a Congressional vote against the war and sends in the missiles with the military obeying, then we will have entered the darkest place in our history indeed: a president with literally monarchical power to use the military as he wishes and a military leadership that agrees.
Update, 0710 CDT Sept. 1: David Gregory just said on NBC News morning newscast that Obama has made up his mind to attack Syria and that he will order it no matter what Congress votes."