The elusive Plan C | Power Line: "THE ELUSIVE PLAN C"
Richard Watson · Top Commenter · Lawyer at Richard F. Watson, P.A.
I recently read "A People's Tragedy." I commend it to one and all. I took away many good historical concepts from Figue's masterpiece. The one which is particularly applicable to our current state: The Mensheviks and other opposition parties believed that they should let the Bolsheviks have their way as their programs would collapse of their own accord. Finally after 20 to 50 million dead and 80 years later, the Bolsheviks collapsed proving the Mensheviks to be correct. At present the Republican elites are advocating a Menshevik strategy. Hopefully we won't have to suffer as much while we wait for everything to cave in on its own accord. Hopefully we can also successfully counter the scapegoating the Democrats will launch on us when their policies fail.
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