The Graffiti on the Wall :: SteynOnline: "Timing is everything, even in apocalyptic doom-mongering. When my book America Alone came out in 2006, the conventional wisdom was that its argument about Europe's demographic death spiral was "alarmist" (The Economist). Seven years on, it's so non-alarmist that even the Washington Post is running stories about the Continent's "plummeting" birth rates. The Post's focus was on a small corner of the Portuguese interior, wherein their reporter met Maria Jesus Rodrigues, 87, who recently moved into the old folks' home from her nearby village. The youngest resident is 57. Not in the old folks' home, but in the village. That's to say, the entire parish qualifies for membership in the AARP, which regards you as a potentially "retired person" from the age of 50."Lame and tasteless as they are, you may have noticed that my headlines are commonly my entire commentary about the posts. Because art imitates life and my jaw just goes slack too soon most of the time because of it...
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
27 minutes ago