IRS Gets a Dose of Its Own Medicine from the GOP: "While Democrats and Republicans wrangled over tax policy and various proposals for reform and greater simplicity, the IRS’ budget hardly caused a ripple of controversy on its own. As one Democrat wondered aloud during an early hearing into the abuses uncovered by the Inspector General, why would anyone vote to reduce funding for an agency that collects badly-needed revenue in an era of deep budget deficits?Say, you don't suppose that those non profit colleges and universities Lerner "behavior changed" would be disproportionately conservative in sponsorship, do you?
Perhaps a quote from Lois Lerner might explain the necessity. Blogger Patrick Frey found this potent advice from the woman at the center of the targeting scandal from a November 2011 interview with Bloomberg Business Week that could explain quite a bit about the IRS’ motivations.
Lerner, interviewed at the time in regard to an investigation into not-for-profit colleges and universities, underscored the importance of aggressive interrogatories to discourage organizations from pursuing tax-exempt status. Business Week reported Lerner’s response: “Receiving a thick questionnaire from the IRS, she says, is a ‘behavior changer.’”"
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
51 minutes ago