Dred Scott Would Have Been Better Off If He’d Had a Gun | Power Line: "Opponents of gun rights have often misrepresented the manner in which the Second Amendment has been understood through American history. In fact, the amendment has generally been understood to protect the right of individuals (not just state-organized militias) to own and to carry firearms. Much has been written about this since the Newtown murders; one such commentary that I ran across noted that in the Dred Scott decision, Chief Justice Taney wrote that if Negroes had the rights of citizens, it would entail the ability to bear arms–a frightful prospect to Taney, a loyal Democrat. This piqued my interest, as I hadn’t read the Dred Scott decision in decades, and had no memory of the passage cited. So I looked it up."RTWT.
And why do they never change? Well, to point this out is verboten of course. Keep the slave's numbers down with
Huxley and Orwell are rolling in their graves.