I just love this -- and it's not the only comment like this:
Rogue Squirrel: There is one way the average citizen can force their: "“There is one way the average citizen can force their opinion on the Federal courts: Jury Nullification. Any court in the country has to uphold any decision that the jury makes, even if it contradicts current law.You know all that ranting about being "wing-nuts" the right endures whenever jury nullification comes up regarding a conservative cause? So can't you just hear the deafening condemnations about the call for its use against Obama should he overrule Colorado and Washington on legalizing marijuana?
No prosecutors or judges will openly tell the jurors that they have that power. So the Feds going to court could backfire. By costing court and prosecutors money and time they will have to justify defying the voters will. With Obama being way behind in appointing new judges, court time is limited which is perfect for no plea bargains and jury nullification. Again, the Feds are depending on bullying tactics and public ignorance about our legal system."
Yeah, me neither.