Americans: Fly your flag | Watts Up With That?: "There’s a great list on Listverse about the psychotic leader of North Korea: Top 10 Crazy Facts About Kim Jong IlEven luckier that he has given up the world. Though his slaves remain in shackles just as it always was...
This one was a hoot:The “Fact”: He is the best natural golfer in history
In 1994, it was reported by Pyongyang media outlets that Kim Jong Il shot 38 under par on a regulation 18-hole golf course – including 5 holes in one! That score is 25 shots better than the best round in history, and is made even more amazing by the fact that it was his first time playing the sport. It’s said Kim Jong Il would routinely sink 3 or 4 holes in one per round of golf, and – lucky for the PGA – he has since given it up."
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