Moonbattery » Obama Grants Highest Civilian Honor to Radical Socialist Dolores Huerta: "What else can Obama do to disgrace the office of the presidency? I know — award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a commie:President Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday to Dolores Huerta, an 82-year-old labor activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers union.
Huerta is also an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.
DSA describes itself as “the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”
Readers might remember Huerta as the unhinged moonbat who shrieked at Tucson schoolchildren that “Republicans hate Latinos.”
She has said of socialist dictator Hugo Chavez’s oppressive and disastrously failed policies, “Why can’t we do that here in the United States?”
By now we can drop the absurd charade that Barack Hussein is not a socialist."