Instapundit » Blog Archive » MARK STEYN: The Eternally Shifting Sands of Obama’s Biography. So the lunatic theory that Barack…: "Whereas Kenya puts you at the heart of what, in an otherwise notably orderly decolonization process by the British, was a bitter and violent struggle against the white man’s rule. Cool! The composite chicks dig it, and the literary agents. . . . In a post-modern America, the things that Gatsby attempted to fake – an elite schooling – Obama actually had; the things that Gatsby attempted to obscure – the impoverished roots – merely add to Obama’s luster. Gatsby claimed to have gone to Oxford, but nobody knew him there because he never went; Obama had a million bucks’ worth of elite education at Occidental, Columbia and Harvard Law, and still nobody knew him (“Fox News contacted some 400 of his classmates and found no one who remembered him”). In that sense, Obama out-Gatsbys Gatsby.
The thing about Obama is, there’s no there there. It’s composite all the way down.
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:40 am"
Click through and read Steyn's whole thing. Expertly done.