Instapundit » Blog Archive » RICHARD FERNANDEZ ON CHINA, NORTH KOREA, AND THE AMERICAN ACADEMY: The thing about Communism, at …: "RICHARD FERNANDEZ ON CHINA, NORTH KOREA, AND THE AMERICAN ACADEMY:And now you know why you need to add Wretchard to your daily reads... And you might want to add some of Eric's classics as well. Umm, and you know this guy's name was actually Eric too, don't you?The thing about Communism, at least to the uninitiated, is that it appears to be identical in all respects to a hereditary aristocracy. If one didn’t know better it would seem that the more Communist a country, such as North Korea, the more it resembles a monarchy. In China the children of the Polituburo members are actually called princesses and princes and they gad about in a style that make the current European royalty look like a bunch of low-rent grifters.
How admirable then, that intellectuals like Cornell West, Van Jones and Bill Ayers can go around and seriously sell socialism and Marxism in the name of “equality” and “egalitarianism”. You know, because they are one with the Common Man."
UPDATE: OK, how can I resist? Glory to Stalin!