Sunday, April 22, 2012

Reducing You

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THAT’S THE “NONPARTISAN CBO” SPEAKING: CBO: Obama Budget Would Reduce Economic Growth. “Larger de…: "THAT’S THE “NONPARTISAN CBO” SPEAKING: CBO: Obama Budget Would Reduce Economic Growth. “Larger deficits caused by the budget would cause the government to issue more bonds, sucking up private capital to finance its debts and thereby reducing the funds businesses could use to expand and hire, the CBO said. An increased tax on capital gains included in the president’s plan would also tend to reduce private capital, it says.”

Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:51 am"
Which goes nicely with this:
And this video has the COTD:
climate change = wrath of god

energy use = sin

carbon tax = penance

al gore = priest

rothschild environmental bank = gold plated vatican wealth (which helps glorify god, honest)

wind turbines = crucifixes, church spires

green enforcers = spanish inquisition

scientific data = heresy

Same old oppressive, controlling, thieving, manipulative bullshit, run by the same crowd of criminal psychopaths... just slightly updated for a more technological age, that's all. Wake up, smell the coffee.

theawecabinet 11 minutes ago 4