Solyndra Execs Leave With Cash. Yours. | Power Line: "At The Corner, Andrew Stiles notes a report from Green Technology that Solyndra’s executives substantial bonuses shortly before their company declared bankruptcy, having run out of your money. The taxpayers likely will be stuck with a $530 million bill. Here is where some of it went:Why don't we just stop the charade and have the Bernanke just direct deposit whatever O Duce thinks he needs for his campaign. It would be incomparably more honest.Karen Alter, senior vice president of marketing, received two $55,000 bonuses on April 15 and July 8 of this year, on top of her $250,000 annual salary.If it weren’t our money, this would almost be funny: how can you award someone in charge of marketing $110,000 in bonuses when the company wasn’t making enough sales to stay out of bankruptcy? Ms. Alter’s recent political contributions, according to Open Secrets:
* Barack Obama, $2,300.
* David Sanders (D), $1,000.
* Alan Khazei (D), $3,000."
Save the Wild West from Wind Industrialization
25 minutes ago