China mocks U.S. political model - Washington Times: "HONG KONG — Chinese political and business leaders are increasingly triumphant after two decades of rapid economic growth that lifted unprecedented millions of people out of poverty and turned the nation into an economic superpower, saying their success proves its political and economic system is superior to the Western model.Well this is certainly a RTWT.
In extensive talks with a series of Chinese leaders, an oft-cited point of criticism is the gridlock and “dysfunction” they see in Washington. They say fawning by U.S. political leaders seeking re-election has created an “entitlement culture” where the public has grown dependent on government largesse. Now, with the United States facing monumental economic and debt problems, the political system has been unable to curb generous entitlement programs or counter the economic downturn."
Let me see if I've got this right. First they and foreign commies of every stripe do all they can covertly to fuel and foster the lunatic OWS/bama culture that is the world epitome of entitlement. And then they point out how disastrous this is and agree with the Tea Party about how disastrous OWS/bama world is?
Of course, if we actually still had the Republic instead of the lunatic filled democracy the Chinese (ironically rightly) criticize -- and that they helped all they could to tear down -- perhaps things might be a bit different, no?
“A lady asked Dr. Franklin Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy? A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.”
It was not kept, was it?