Most of you will remain asleep financially until it's too late. For those of you who are finally getting the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach that you should have sensed many years ago, here is one last chance for you even if you consider yourself a financial dunce. If you listen to it a few times and start to get it then head over here and start to listen to the podcast archives starting with the most recent (the first interview segments here and here are particularly good next steps) until you really get it. Now you can't blame me for not doing my duty.
UPDATE: Jim Puplava also has an excellent
context piece including a quote from Jens O. Parson's book, "Dying Of Money": "
Ever since ancient Babylon enjoyed its first inflation and its first balance of payment deficit, governments had been discovering and rediscovering the wonders of monetary inflation, and every time they did the wonders were all new and breathtaking. Monetary inflation always works like a magic elixir at the first dose. Continuing the doses, or stopping them, is the problem. (p 85)". RTWT.
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