Sunday, October 3, 2010

How To Become Poor

No cuts can be found?

Power Line - A Waste of Money? No Problem, It's Yours: "Despite a shortage of commercial flights out of STC, there's no shortage in requests for federal dollars. Senator Al Franken's website lists a $500,000 earmark request for improved runway lighting for the St. Cloud Regional Airport, while Senator Amy Klobuchar's website lists a $1,000,000 earmark request for the same project.
It is a common conceit among office-holders that finding money to cut from government budgets is difficult. My own view is that government wastes enormous amounts of money at every level. Many in public life--Franken and Klobuchar would appear to be examples--are so ignorant of economics that they do not understand that when money is spent and resources are consumed inefficiently, our country is made poorer."