Saturday, August 22, 2009

Letter To Congresswoman Markey

Here's my letter to Congresswoman Markey of Colorado's 4th District (final):

Bob Gronlund
Fort Collins, CO

Congresswoman Markey
Colorado 4th District

Dear Congresswoman Markey,

First a little about myself. I am a master engineer for a well respected and widely known multi-billion dollar worldwide technology corporation. We are #1 in our industry. We build some of the most complex electronic and software products in existence to enable the global high tech economy. I work daily with people of all nationalities and races from all over the world on distributed, interdisciplinary engineering teams producing a continual stream of world-leading, innovative products.

I have a reputation for competence and integrity won in a 26+ year career of technology and people leadership. I have the ear of upper management in my company and am entrusted with decision making that impacts enormous revenue streams in our businesses. We have a rigorous hiring process and I love working with the high quality people of our company from all over the world. And while I don't always agree with them, I find our upper management to be smart, competent and ethical people.

I also have a long record of local volunteerism and philanthropy in our community. I have generally found the people of my community to be caring and committed to cooperation to make a better place to live.

Unfortunately, I see a complete disconnect between the largely functional organizations I find in my company and my community with what I see in Washington. In Washington I see a lack of humility, pandering to special interests (who wrote those bills anyway if the congresspeople haven't read them?), venality, rude language and lack of respect for the people for whom you are supposed to work.

On top of that I see a complete lack of knowledge about the fundamentals of economics and an overweening belief that the government is the solution to all problems when no sane person who operates in the real world can possibly believe that. I see fundamental innumeracy and a lack of appreciation for the negative impact that debt has on individuals, companies and governments. I see both Democrats and Republicans as being owned by Wall Street and special interests. This must stop and be reversed.

Government is not the solution. It is the problem.

In case you're wondering how it got this way, I think P.J. O'Rourke might have his finger closest to the truth when he said: "When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators."

Ever larger regulation just creates the illusion of healthy function. We need less government interference in people's lives, not more. And we need a focus on re-building a moral society and one where everyone is moral of their own volition, not "moral" because of government controlling their lives.

Which by the way is why I am implacably opposed to President Obama's and Congress' current health care proposals. Government interference has in large part created what problems we do have in our health care system -- and more interference will just make it worse. And should you vote for any of these disastrous and anti-competitive "public option" or "coop" plans I will work night and day against your re-election.

And by the way, there are many people of otherwise liberal leanings who point out some pretty damning things that are being squelched in the "debate". For instance, Dean Kamen -- a prolific medical products inventor and creator of the Segue scooter -- points out that the entire debate is "backward looking" and that we need to find ways to drive innovation and not starve it. ( )

Oh. And I'm very tired of being called a racist. Should you be tempted to do so, I challenge you to follow me around at work and to visit with my family. This is simply unacceptable for our representatives to behave in such a contemptible manner to create a dishonest smokescreen for their Machiavellian behavior.

I hope you have not already become accustomed to Washington. Because if you ever become so, I will work tirelessly to return you to the real world of everyday Americans.

In closing, I note that you have, I hope not disingenuously, been attempting to apply George Washington's rules of civility to your recent local meetings. One rule that an outside observer such as myself suspects you may find difficult to follow (in Washington's own city!) is: "A Man ought not to value himself of his Achievements, or rare Qualities of wit; much less of his riches Virtue or Kindred." Perhaps you have already voted for Congress to buy more private jets? That is a great irony of our time, isn't it?

And since we're mutually admiring Washington, I might also suggest paying close attention to his farewell address. In particular, his warnings about the dangers of party allegiance and influence of foreigners over loyalty to the people of one's country. ( ) In particular, he warned against the alternate domination of one party faction over another leading to the "ruins of Public Liberty".

That I believe is what we are witnessing today. Please don't be a part of it.

And despite some of my rather forthright words, you have an open invitation to my home to discuss these and any other matters you desire over a very civil dinner. I can always be contacted at bgronlund at gmail dot com.

I suspect that you have somehow managed to convince yourself that people with my set of beliefs and background don't exist. I can assure you we do. We are not hicks and dimwits. I meet more and more people who are realizing that they need to become involved to stop our power-mad, reality disconnected Republican and Democrat parties from carrying out their unrealistic ideas.

And no, we will not allow you to "watch over" us. But we are watching your performance very closely.

And I'm going to be fascinated to see whether I get any indication that your staff recognizes that this letter may not be quite like many others expressing similar opinions that you ignore.

Bob Gronlund
Fort Collins, CO


  1. Wow.

    Now THAT'S a missive, my man.

  2. Beautifully written! This expresses to the senator who we are, and what we believe.
    May this period of intensifying trials be mercifully lifted from our nation that has sadly gone astray from its moral foundations.

  3. I should have said, "to the congresswomen"

  4. Well Done BOB! Let us know if she ever replies.
