Ace of Spades HQ: "1. media freaking out about Great Britain's vote as Venezuela is in free fall. it seems the ire should be reversed.
2. seems to me predicted outcomes from Brexit comes nowhere close to Venezuela's hell that's going on in front of our jaded eyes.
3. how is a country voting to exit some bureaucracy worse than a country imploding into a scavenging Lord of the Flies in supermarkets
4. Yes, temporarily your chorizo will be more expensive, but there's a country where people now fight over toilet paper.
5. the media are hypocrites. Playing Brexit as apocalyptic. As Venezuela is edging closer to Soylent Green.
6. screw all these celebrity assholes expressing fear for a future dark age, while the dark ages rage right now because people have NO VOTE.
7. Did any of these fruit fly minds - the James Cordons, the lindsey lohans - ever give a damn about Venezuela?
8. A popular vote in England is mild compared to the top-down, reinforced suffering of a desperate people in Venezuela, you idiots.
9. Note: in the previous tweet i said "idiots" in place of many other terms that i decided to omit. Carry on."