Instapundit » Blog Archive » IT’S COME TO THIS: Ivy League crybullies vs. survivor of a Soviet labor camp; guess who needs ’em…: "FEBRUARY 21, 2016
IT’S COME TO THIS: Ivy League crybullies vs. survivor of a Soviet labor camp; guess who needs ’emotional support’? “So there you have it; a group of Ivy League crybullies worn out from the emotional toll of protesting Natan Sharansky, a former dissident and survivor of years of confinement, including solitary confinement, in harsh Soviet prison camps. Is there a better indication of the decline of American higher-ed culture than a bunch of Ivy Leaguers at risk of emotional breakdown due to the presence of one of the great, stoic heroes of the Cold War on their campus?”
I wonder — does social-justice activism lead to mental and emotional problems, or is it a symptom? I’m thinking the latter."