[VIDEO] Bill Whittle on guns, sons, missing dads, and Pajama Boy fads — plus commentary about narcissistic societies: "Bill Whittle is always good. A furious Bill Whittle is even better — and Bill Whittle is mighty angry as he looks at illiberal “liberals” who blame guns for the societal diseases they’ve created, diseases whose outbreaks take the form of angry, vindictive, fatherless boys who need desperately to make all men in the world finally pay attention to them. These are boys and young men, moreover, who are constantly being told that their innate manly virtues, things such as physicality, energy, and loyalty, are disgraceful flaws that lead to rape and murder, and that must therefore be eradicated so as to create the next generation of purer, more womanly man. (I, of course, believe those virtues must be channeled into becoming sheepdogs who protect society.)"
Shortened: http://gg.gg/sanity Contact: bob underscore wtf at comcast dot net
QUOTE OF THE HOLOCENE: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation" - V.I. Lenin -- You're welcome to point out to me any decision that Hugo Chavez Barack Obama has yet made that Lenin would quarrel with. [ crickets ]
RUNNER-UP QUOTE OF THE HOLOCENE: "When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators." - P. J. O'Rourke
DUAL QUOTES OF THE 20TH CENTURY: "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." and "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it." --H. L. Mencken
LAST YEAR'S QUOTE: Washington, D.C. runs "just like the mob, except it's legal," said Schweizer. "If problems are being solved, if things are going smoothly and things are being fixed, a lot of people are not going to give. The party establishments and the political leaders from both sides are collaborating a lot more than they let on," explained Schweizer."