Security Code | Belmont Club: "Speaking of cults, Dean sounds like a guy trying desperately hard not to lose his religion. Leftist orthodoxy now accepts the innocence of Islamism as an article of faith, on par with say, the enlightenment of the Buddha. It has to be true or else their little world falls apart. The belief in the existence of faceless second amendment cults has now become an existential value for the Left.
They are too completely invested in multiculturalism, social deconstruction and redistribution to doubt the faith now. To misgive their chosen pathway to power, is to fail at the last step. So they’ll grit their teeth and plunge on; they will never give it up on pain of anathema.
And therefore they will cling to their dogma, however improbable it might be, long past the point when any reasonable Leftist would have doubted it. This is the most dangerous aspect of the crisis facing the West. Not only are we in danger of tearing our politics apart, we must. It has now become a case of destroying our civilization in order to save it. We have to stay crazy to avoid the growing suspicion that we’re nuts. The cultural elites of the West are going to hang themselves in the morning according to a schedule that they themselves have devised.
Do you think our elites won’t punch the door buttons to let the killers in to shoot us? They already have. They already have."