Monday, April 25, 2011

No Silver Bullet?

The Silver Bullet? - April 23, 2011 - The New York Sun: "“Now,” said President Obama in his most soothing voice, “whenever gas prices shoot up, like clockwork, you see politicians racing to the cameras, waving three-point plans for two dollar gas. You see people trying to grab headlines or score a few points. The truth is, there’s no silver bullet that can bring down gas prices right away.”

Funny the president should choose those words. As he was delivering his weekly radio address, we were just thinking about gasoline and wondering how its value has been faring in specie. One can’t tell that from its price, though, because we are dealing with, in the dollars issued by the Federal Reserve, a fiat currency that no longer has any connection with something real. But what if, say, we were to price gasoline in silver?

It turns out that if we price gasoline in ounces of silver, we discover that it has been falling in value. That is, a gallon of gasoline on the day President Obama was sworn in was worth about a sixth of an ounce of silver. Today, the value of the same gallon of gasoline has fallen to less than a 10th of an ounce of silver."
Didn't think of it that way before, did you? Here's Peter Schiff making the same point ... and more: