As an Information Security Professional, this article has me very deeply concerned. As a citizen, this bill has me outraged:
April 2, eWEEK – (National) Bill would grant President unprecedented cyber-security powers. The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced in the Senate would allow the President to shut down private Internet networks. The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to demand security data from private networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access. The headlines were all about creating a national cyber-security czar reporting directly to the President, but the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 introduced April 1 in the U.S. Senate would also give the President unprecedented authority over private-sector Internet services, applications, and software. According to the bill’s language, the President would have broad authority to designate various private networks as a “critical infrastructure system or network” and, with no other review, “may declare a cyber-security emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from” the designated the private-sector system or network. The 51-page bill does not define what private sector networks would be considered critical to the nation’s security, but the Center for Democracy and Technology says it could include communications networks in addition to the more traditional security concerns over the financial and transportation networks and the electrical grid. The bill would also impose mandates for designated private networks and systems, including standardized security software, testing, licensing, and certification of cyber-security professionals.
First of all folks, and in case you don’t understand the gravity of this: This bill takes cyber security out of the hands of the trained and experienced information security professionals who know how to effectively manage cyber-security issues and threats (US-CERT and Department of Homeland Security) and puts these responsibilities directly into the office of a man who can’t speak lucidly without a teleprompter. Albeit that a staff would be performing these duties, how can we expect any intelligent final decisions to be made by this President regarding cyber-security issues? It seems to me that this is just more micromanagement by the anointed one. If he doesn’t like what kind of cars your company sells, he fires your CEO. Similarly, if he doesn’t like which type of anti-virus software your ISP uses, he shuts down your Internet access?
And the statement that “The legislation also calls for the government to have the authority to demand security data from private networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access.” should be a definite sign that privacy concerns about invasions without due process are in danger of being completely ignored.
The statement that “…the President would have broad authority to designate various private networks as a “critical infrastructure system or network” and, with no other review, “may declare a cyber-security emergency and order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from” the designated the private-sector system or network.” means to me that any ISPs that have a number of customers whom this president deems a threat (i.e. those who speak out against him), can have their services shut down until they block those customers. Big Brother is indeed upon us.
The White House is taking over the Census.
The White House is taking over the duties of corporate CEOs.
The White House is taking over cyber-security.
Isn’t anyone else seeing the danger in all of this, or is it just me? Relax, Mr. Orwell – you were only 25 years off, but your predictions are coming to pass.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cyber-Security - In The White House?!
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ReplyDeleteApparently there are two of us. In a sea of 300M or so.
Here's another analysis confirming yours:
Don't worry though, everyone's following the start of the baseball season.
Did I forget to mention that Ogabe has a nice sounding voice and looks pretty?
Welcome to "Britney World".
Well, now there are at least three! I first read this bill a few weeks ago and I am very concerned. Obama has everyone so concerned about the economy that some of the bills that really threaten our liberties and freedoms aren't even recognized.
ReplyDeleteTammy M.
Thanks Tammy! You got that just right.
ReplyDeleteI'm betting we won't make it to four though ;)