Saturday, February 12, 2011

Must Watch: Stanley Kurtz On The New Strategy Of Socialism From Below (Bumped -- And Much More)

PowerLine has done a great service and made this 40 minute video interview available of Stanley Kurtz on his new book "Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism". You have no idea what you're up against until you WTWT:

UPDATE: I have decided to bump this for a while. All the other content on this site is noise level until you understand O Duce thoroughly. This is the single best relatively short time investment to do that.

Norman Thomas, a leader of the American Socialist Party said:
Now, back in 1927, an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for president on the Socialist Party ticket, said the American people would never vote for socialism. But he said under the name of liberalism, the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program…
One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project…
Did I forget to mention that one of his relatives is Evan Thomas of Newsweek fame? You know, the rag that recently said we are "all Socialists now"? Is everything in your world a coincidence? (And how's this for a surprise?: You MUST at least read Marx's 10 point plan from "The Communist Manifesto". It's very short and you'll quickly see that we have fully implemented 3 of them, 5 are a battlefield we keep losing ground on and only 2 of them require discussion on their subtleties.)

A close second in importance is to re-watch Reagan's "A Time For Choosing" until it sinks in. (And if you're more of the libertarian/ atheist persuasion then you need to first go over and discover Eric Raymond's post on "Gramscian Damage" to get in sync with all of this.)

And something possibly even more stunning is David Ramsay Steele's article "The Mystery of Fascism". You simply don't have a clue about Fascism until you've read it -- well maybe that and Orwell's "Pacifism and the War" (And perhaps in yours also... ;) Sorry, but you've been completely brainwashed into believing that Fascism is a phenomenon of the right -- it's actually a schism of the left.

Finally, if you've never actually read "1984" please at least take the time to read the "book within the book": "The Theory and Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism".

There. A powerful introduction to rational conservative/ libertarian thought you will find yourself shocked to know existed all in about 3 hours. (And for extra credit, go here.)

And yes, as long as we live in an imperfect world there will be conspiracies to guard against. The key is to spend enough of your time away from intoxicating substances so you can rationally assess them.

UPDATED AGAIN: OK, OK. Let's make sure nobody tries to excommunicate me from the "faith" before I catch my mistake! No post operating at even this level of conciseness can be allowed to ignore Hayek. Did you know you can download the official Reader's Digest version of "Road To Serfdom"? Yes, there was one and it is a great place to start for beginners -- just keep following my links... Here's the shortest tease possible:


Have you ever looked at the difference between North and South Korea from space at night?

(Yes of course, virtually all of this has been on this blog for a while now...)

P.S. If mention of the secret protocol ever disappears from that Wikipedia article I just linked then you will know the Orwellian memory hole has truly expanded beyond tolerance. That's possibly the most famous conspiracy of the 20th century -- unless you consider Winston Churchill to be a massive conspiracy all by himself ;) (If you read the Orwell links I gave earlier you'll also realize that Orwell himself has already been stuffed down his own memory hole.)

ANOTHER UPDATE: Improved the Hayek update ;)